Life Transitions Can Get Messy
Don’t let them stop your progress.
Therapy and Hypnotherapy in Orem, UT
“It’s really not THAT difficult…”
Ever heard people talk about life transitions like they’re some sort of cakewalk?
What happens when that cake is smashed in your face, and it’s full of cow patties…
No problem, right?
Try again…

Life transitions can be a big, unexpected, unholy mess.
They’re like opening gifts on Christmas morning when you have no idea what you’re getting. You open the gift, and you’re supposed to smile and pretend it’s just what you wanted.
Like gifts on Christmas, transitions come in many shapes and sizes. And just like Christmas, even though it’s expected, it sneaks up and slaps you in the face.

Just consider all the changes we can experience in life…
College? Mission? Marriage? Family? Divorce?
Going to college? “What am I going to study? I don’t know what kind of career I want. Where will I call home after I’m finished?”
Back from a mission? “That was awesome and really hard. Why is everyone bigger and weird? What’s next?”
Just married? “Wow, they weren’t kidding when they say it has its ups and downs.”
Pregnant already? “Are we ready to be someone’s parents? There’s so much we still wanted to do as just the two of us…”
Divorce?! “How did this happen?! No marriage is perfect, but I thought we were on the same page.”

Eventually, life is asking for a vision, your purpose.
Change is inevitable like the saying goes, “The snake that cannot cast it’s skin must die.”
Unlike a snake, you can design what comes next. And you don’t have to figure out what comes next alone.
I can help you heal, prepare for change, and progress.

Hi, I’m Keith.
I care about your history in the context of therapy, and I believe in helping clients as efficiently as possible.
I don’t have a morbid interest in people’s problems and tragedies. I have a fascination with seeing others get better and grow.
And guess what?! Many of my clients actually do get better quickly in as little as 3-4 sessions. Not everyone does, but that’s okay. You’re who you are, and we can help you be and feel your best as often as possible.
Therapy is an effort to establish self-reliance, and you can do this!
Tap into your motivation.
You’re here, searching for help.
It’ll take serious work, but we can have fun along the way as you work to bring
your best self forward amid whatever transition life throws at you.